Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 5:16 PM
Site: WCS - Online Learning (DLS)
Course: Online Learning at WCS (Online Learning at WCS)
Glossary: Frequently Asked Questions

Can I access the student intranet?

(Last edited: Monday, 13 November 2023, 2:20 PM)

What was the student intranet can now be found on the My West App

The logon is your student number and your password is your full date of birth in the format DDMMYYYY e.g. 25122000

Download the MyWest app to your phone or tablet to access all college systems for students in one place, plus keep up to date with news and information from around the college.

Your username is your new student email address – and your password by default is your date of birth in the format of DDMMYYYY.


Can I get a college student email?

(Last edited: Monday, 13 November 2023, 2:22 PM)

You can have a college email address and an Office 365 account.  Please note this will only be active for a limited time and if you are unsure you should check with the Online Learning Team through the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form 

eMail Address/Username: 9 digit Student (e.g.

Initial password:  8 digit date-of-birth (ddmmyyyy) e.g. 23091995

You can also login directly at:

You can also access this via the college's MyWest App

Download the MyWest app to your phone or tablet to access all college systems for students in one place, plus keep up to date with news and information from around the college.

Your username is your new student email address – and your password by default is your date of birth in the format of DDMMYYYY.



Can I get a student card?

(Last edited: Monday, 13 November 2023, 2:23 PM)

Our cards are now Digital!  In order to get your card you need to download our MyWest App.  Instructions are below on how to do this.

Download the MyDay app to your phone or tablet to access all college systems for students in one place, plus keep up to date with news and information from around the college.

Your username is your new student email address – and your password by default is your date of birth in the format of DDMMYYYY.

To allow your student card to be verified you need to have submitted your first assessment/quiz on your course within 2-4 weeks, which will then make your account Live with the college. If you have downloaded the App you will then receive prompts about your Digital Student Card and steps on how to do this.

Your submitted photograph must be:

  • a close-up of your full head and shoulders
  • taken against a plain, self-coloured background
  • in colour
  • portrait orientation
  • clear, in focus and be a true likeness of yourself

When taking your photograph please ensure that you:

  • look straight at the camera
  • do not have a hat or hair covering your face
  • are not wearing any other form of head wear (unless for religious or medical reasons)
  • do not use any filters
  • are the only person in the photograph


Your Digital student card is linked to your record so if you are withdrawn from a course your student card will expire and your card will also automatically expire at the end date of your course.



Can I use the College library and PCs?

(Last edited: Monday, 13 November 2023, 2:24 PM)

You can access the library and/or use the PCs on any campus. You can check availability and books PC access via the MyWest App.

Download the MyWest app to your phone or tablet to access all college systems for students in one place, plus keep up to date with news and information from around the college.

Your username is your new student email address – and your password by default is your date of birth in the format of DDMMYYYY.



How do I contact Online Learning?

(Last edited: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 12:43 PM)

Please ensure you have checked our FAQs for the answer to your question first. 

If the above does not resolve your issue please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


How long do I need to study?

(Last edited: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 12:44 PM)

It can vary depending on your knowledge. Pleae see the guide below:

Course Level  Recommended Study Time
Short online (micro) course 1 hour per week
Introductory course 2-4 hours per week
Level 2/3 courses 4-8 hours per week




How long does the course take?

(Last edited: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 12:44 PM)

Each student will progress at their own rate, so you may complete quicker than the timeframe given below:

Course Level  Course Duration
Short online (micro) course 5 weeks
Introductory course 9 weeks
Level 2/3 courses 20 weeks


You may also require extensions due to personal/work commitments.  If this is the case we will authorise extensions where possible.  Please note that there are key times in the year where we cannot give extensions and final submission deadlines will be set.  For more information on extensions please see this FAQ.

If you have any other questions please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


I can't get logged into my course, my password is not working

(Last edited: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 2:06 PM)

If your course is on Moodle, please try the Forgot Password link below: 


If your course is on the Equal Platform or E-Assessor Pro e.g. for a SL5 or SL6 course then please try the forgotten password link just below your login box


If the above does not resolve your issue please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


I can't print my certificate, can you help?

(Last edited: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 2:07 PM)

For a Moodle course you are studying within this current session, we can request a paper certificate to be sent out to you.  If the request is for a course outwith the current session we cannot provide a copy but please contact us and we will be able to send you a student record report with proof of your result for the course.

For SL5 or SL6 courses all certificates are now e-certificates.  If you require a hard copy certificate there may be a charge for this

If you would still like to request a paper copy of your certificate please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form



I need help, my question isn't listed

(Last edited: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 12:40 PM)

If your question has not been answered by these FAQs then please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form