Introduction to Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is the process of identifying the hazards present in any undertaking, whether arising from work activities or other factors, eg out of premises, and then taking into account whatever precautions are already being taken.
Risk assessment is nothing more than a careful examination of what, in your work activities or operations could cause harm to people so that you can "weigh up" whether you have taken enough precautions or whether you should do more to prevent harm.
In most cases it involves a systematic approach, using common sense, in order to justify that current control measures and strategies are adequate.
In most firms the hazards are few and simple. Checking them is common sense, but necessary. Most employers and employees already know whether, for example, there is machinery that could cause harm, or if there is an awkward entrance or stair where someone could be hurt. Employers have a legal responsibility to check that they have taken reasonable precautions to avoid harm.