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How can I protect myself?

spray_liquid.jpgWear suitable disposable overalls and respiratory protective equipment. Ordinary dust masks are not effective with asbestos fibres (using an ordinary dust mask is like catching peas in a goal net). You must wear a FFP3 respirator mask. The mask must fit your face properly - warning: if you have stubble, the mask will not be effective! FFP3 masks are not suitable for people with beards or stubble, or for long periods of continuous use; you need specialist equipment and training for such situations.

Minimise dust: use hand tools not power tools, keep materials damp and clean up as you go.

If you take a break: don't eat, smoke or drink in the workplace.

disposal.jpgWhen you finish work: decontaminate yourself, wipe down your overalls with a damp rag and remove them before removing your mask. Double-bag asbestos waste, label it, and take it to a licensed disposal site.

Job-specific non-licensed training will make sure students have the skills to:

  • use and fit a face-mask;
  • use safe work methods; and
  • deal with asbestos waste.