Frequently Asked Questions
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Question: (Last edited: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 2:15 PM)What qualifications do I need to start a course? | ||||
For SL6 courses we ask that you have a Level 2 (SL5) or equivalent. You can see any qualification entry requirements on each course page description on our website | ||||
Question: (Last edited: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 2:16 PM)When will I receive my Certificate? | ||||
If you are studying a SL5 or SL 6 course then it can take a few months to receive your certificate. This timeframe can be substantial during busy periods. Once you have passed your course, your work will be in a stage of moderation for one month. After this you will receive an email confirmation of completing your course and a date to expect receipt of your certificate.
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