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Q. What happens if I do not submit an assessment within the due date?

(Last edited: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 12:50 PM)

You will receive a reminder in most cases if your assessment is overdue. If your submission is going to be less than 7 days overdue, please continue as normal.

If you are asking for longer than 7 days, or to wish to discuss further options due to life circumstances, please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


Q. What if I have concerns with undertaking the course?

(Last edited: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 12:51 PM)

If you are experiencing difficulties doing the course, get in touch with the Online Learning Team as soon as possible.  In most cases we can help with quickly and keep on track with your course.  

Please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


Q. I have some extra needs for support with online work, will I get help?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 15 November 2023, 9:19 AM)

Please use the below form to contact us and let us know of your needs we may be able to give you extra time and/or our enabling services team may be able to offer you assistance

If you have a specific need please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form



Q. I have submitted work to my tutor but haven’t heard anything, should I be concerned?

(Last edited: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 2:11 PM)

Once you have submitted your assessment, markers are allocated 7-10 days to return it to you. You should be able to log on to your course to see if your feedback has been returned. Depending on the learning platform you are working on, this can be found in the "My Assessment" or "My Portfolio" tab.

We aim to send you assessment feedback within 7 days* of it being sent to your marker. You should check your platform regularly for feedback. If your work results in a resubmission, you are given 3 days to resubmit your answers.

*  Please be aware that if your work is being sent to us from one of our partners it may take several days to be sent to us before it is then allocated to a marker so it may be more than 7 days for your first assessment depending on this timeframe. 

If it has been more than 10 days since you submitted your work, then please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form



Q. How do I pay for my course?

(Last edited: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 2:09 PM)

If there is a course fee these are now payable via the website when you are enrolling onto your course. 

If you have other questions regarding payment please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


Q. I’ve moved address or changed my mobile phone/email address – how do I let you know?

(Last edited: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 12:41 PM)

Please contact the Online Learning Team with your updated details via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


Q. I will not be able to meet my submission deadline

(Last edited: Thursday, 29 April 2021, 12:23 PM)

Please note that Tutors/Markers cannot authorise an extension, and a
ll extensions are required to be completed with the Online Learning Team.

If your extension is for less than 7 days you do not need to contact us, and can carry on your course as normal. If you are asking for longer than 7 days then please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


I can't get logged into my course, my password is not working

(Last edited: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 2:06 PM)

If your course is on Moodle, please try the Forgot Password link below: 


If your course is on the Equal Platform or E-Assessor Pro e.g. for a SL5 or SL6 course then please try the forgotten password link just below your login box


If the above does not resolve your issue please contact the Online Learning Team via the form below:

Online Learning Contact Form


When will I receive my Certificate?

(Last edited: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 2:16 PM)

If this is for a Moodle or Micro Course your certificate will be available online at the end of your course.  You can save this and print as and when required.

If you are studying a SL5 or SL 6 course then it can take a few months to receive your certificate.  This timeframe can be substantial during busy periods.

Once you have passed your course, your work will be in a stage of moderation for one month.  After this you will receive an email confirmation of completing your course and a date to expect receipt of your certificate. 



Can I get a student card?

(Last edited: Monday, 13 November 2023, 2:23 PM)

Our cards are now Digital!  In order to get your card you need to download our MyWest App.  Instructions are below on how to do this.

Download the MyDay app to your phone or tablet to access all college systems for students in one place, plus keep up to date with news and information from around the college.

Your username is your new student email address – and your password by default is your date of birth in the format of DDMMYYYY.

To allow your student card to be verified you need to have submitted your first assessment/quiz on your course within 2-4 weeks, which will then make your account Live with the college. If you have downloaded the App you will then receive prompts about your Digital Student Card and steps on how to do this.

Your submitted photograph must be:

  • a close-up of your full head and shoulders
  • taken against a plain, self-coloured background
  • in colour
  • portrait orientation
  • clear, in focus and be a true likeness of yourself

When taking your photograph please ensure that you:

  • look straight at the camera
  • do not have a hat or hair covering your face
  • are not wearing any other form of head wear (unless for religious or medical reasons)
  • do not use any filters
  • are the only person in the photograph


Your Digital student card is linked to your record so if you are withdrawn from a course your student card will expire and your card will also automatically expire at the end date of your course.


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